Cyber Highway Escape opens a futuristic race in a fast-paced, cyberpunk-inspired adventure. This first-person driving game will make your gameplay more dramatic than ever. The realistic steering and maneuvering through bustling traffic roads will keep your eyes glued to the screen. Prepare for a journey through the night in a sparkling cyber town!
In Cyber Highway Escape, you have only one goal: go the farthest with the highest score. To realize this goal, players need to do two small tasks: zigzag spectacularly and maintain a long distance. You can only continue if your virtual motorcycle has no collisions. But if you don't have dangerous maneuvers, you won't get bonus points.
So, what is a beautiful move to score points? You need to follow the distance between your motorcycle and other vehicles. After that, adjust your speed to the highest setting to create a side-swipe of the obstacle, thereby earning 300 points. Specifically, this game presents numerous scenarios where you must navigate a narrow path between two moving vehicles on the road. If successful, you can even double your bonus points in one turn.
Holding down the up arrow key will allow you to maintain a high speed until you want to slow down the pace. Besides, properly operate the left and right arrow keys to steer brilliantly and score impressive points.